How to Keep Neighbors Happy During a Renovation

If you plan on beginning a noisy home renovation project that will take more than a few days, it’s a good idea to work things out with the neighbors ahead of time. A little consideration and respect goes a long way, and can reduce the chance of complaints later on.
Below are some ideas to keep neighbors happy during a remodel:
The first and most important step is just to let your neighbors know. A week or two before your contractor is expected to start, visit nearby neighbors and inform them that workers will be at your home, how long the project is scheduled to last, where the construction crew will park, and the hours which they will be working. Apologize in advance for any noise or inconvenience, and leave your phone number just in case they have any problems. If you live in a typical neighborhood, visit the houses immediately in front of, behind, and to either side of your home. Simply leave a note for neighbors who aren’t there. If you have a communal mailbox, you can always tape an informative flier there too.
Inform your contractor ahead of time of any possible restrictions, like parking. If you know certain neighbors don’t want cars parked in front of their homes let the crew know in advance. Keep an eye out throughout the project for blocked driveways.
Make sure your renovation team does not litter or smoke in your yard, or neighbor’s yards. All construction debris and other trash should be disposed of properly by the end of the working day. If this is ever a problem, inform your contractor so it can be resolved.
Midway through the project, check in with your neighbors. Make sure that they don’t have any issues with you or the construction crew’s conduct. Update them on the project’s status and projected end date.
If there are any complaints regarding noise, parking, or even possible chemical smells, talk to your contractor personally to resolve the issue. Don’t have neighbors call the contractor to complain themselves.
Call your contractor immediately if any of your neighbor’s property is damaged during the process, such as bumped-into mailboxes or scratched vehicles. Accidents happen, just politely let your contractor know so the problem can be solved swiftly.
After the project is complete, invite your neighbors over to see the final product and join in your delight for your updated home! Who knows, they may be in the market for a home renovation themselves.