Breaking Through the Fears of Demo

The Mr. Fix It of Sierra Vista Team knows that having demo done at your home can be stressful and scary. We are here to eliminate some of those fears for you.
Fear: Demo is messy!
MFI: Yes, demo can be messy but our skilled tradesmen do everything they can to prevent your house from becoming a blast zone. They make sure to clean after they have finished work for the day to make sure that your home, while in the middle of a renovation or repair, is livable and still relatively comfortable.
Fear: Demo is loud!
MFI: If at all possible, our tradesmen do what they can to keep the demo as quick and quiet as possible so as not to disturb your daily life. Unfortunately, demo is, by nature, a bit noisy. Rest assured that, if you are being bothered by the noise, you can contact our office and we will try to work out a plan that fits everyone's schedules and temperaments.
Fear: There are going to be so many people in my house during demo!
MFI: As we are a small business and at the same time a general contractor, we have a few tradesmen in each area of specialty. We will only send out as many tradesmen as necessary to complete your project quickly and efficiently.
Fear: The demo that we are having done is on the outside wall of our house. Our house will be left open to the elements and strangers!
MFI: If there is any demo to be done on an exterior wall of your home, our tradesmen will never leave it open to the elements and unsecured. We will not start demo until the necessary materials to repair the demo are in hand. We would never risk our customers' health and/or safety.
Fear: I am having demo done on a wall! What is to stop my house from caving in?
MFI: The tradesmen here at Mr. Fix It of Sierra Vista will not demo a load-bearing wall without the proper support being in place if at all. Our estimators, project manager, and tradesmen are dedicated to our customers' safety and satisfaction.
Hopefully this post has assuaged some of your fears regarding demo. From everyone here at Mr. Fix It of Sierra Vista, Thank you for reading.
